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Museum guide
Gaziantep Museums





THE EXHİBİTİON ZEUGMA MOSAİCS: This exhibition hard has got two floors downstairs, Poseidon and Euphrates houses with peristyl (court with columns) dining room, inner court “impliviumu”with their mosaics, frescos and its original architecture are being exhibited which were unearted at Zeugma 2000 year saving diggings. İn this salon the statue of Mars, got of war is being exhibited. In addition mosaics, found at saving diggins, are attached on the walls. Near each mosaic there are illustrated information wall panels. Upstairs, mosaics and grove statue are being exhibited. 

By the entrance of the museum the mosaic which has got a picture of Teonoe in pink clothes greets the visitors as it is saying welcome. In front of it a mosaic is laid in which love (Eros) and spirit (Psykhe) were drawn next to each other. On the left side of Teonoe there is the goddess of plenty and abundonce Gaia , on the right side there is the mosaic of eternal love's Heros Partenope and Metiox. On the right of this front salon in which there are the stels of Commagene King Antiokhos and Apollon's shaking , there is the model of Poseidon and Euphrates Villas which were brought to the light. By the help of this model it is possible to have information about Zeugma house's court, shallow ponds,fountains and mosaics.


Riding from the front salon towards which was drawn about “The Wedding of Dionysos” can be seen. In this mosaic, which was stolen from the salon where it was being exhibited in 1988, Just 3 figures remain now of 12 figures. In the Okeanos saloon reaching from this saloon, with the mosaic having the pictures of Okeanos and Tethis who are the the parent of river gods.


From this salon, the Mars salon that is the largest place of this museum can be reached. In south, the peristyle of Poseidon house with columns, shallow pond and mosaics are re-established. Next to it the living room of the same home is placed. In the shallow pond the god of seas Poseidon was drawn through the sea creatures. In the centre of the saloon the bronze statue of Mars, the god of war, stands with his furious glance, a spear in his hand and flowers in the other hand. On its left side a waterjet pond with its fountain was brought from Zeugma established here. In the shallow pond there is the mosaic concerned with the Trojan war, the theme of it is “Akhileus in Skyros”. On the right of it “Satyros Antiope” who tempted hazel eyed Antiope and on the other there is the mosaic of Europa and Galatia. On the right of this Mars saloon, the god of wine “Drunk Dionysos” and “The Honeymoon of Dionysos” mosaics have been exhibited.


On the opposite of this saloon “Women Room” is placed. On the flor of the room “Crowning of Aphrodite” mosaic signed with Zosimos from Samsat is laid. On the left, the marble body of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, on the walls the symbol of loyalty Penelope, and frescos of Akhileus wife Deidemia are found. On the opposite of this room, women and man busts and statues of Zeugma Sculpture are being exhibited.


Turning to left, riding near the tall columns of peristyle you reach to Euphrates saloon. In this saloon the mosaic of Euphrates in the young river gods, who is the god of Euphrates (the river) is placed. Near it, the mosaic of a scene of the theatre play “Women At breakfast” the second known work of master Zosimos is present.


From the Euphrates saloon to the second flor it is possible to go up by stairs. Passing in front of the Dionysos bust, you can reach to Galatia room. This room is established by bringing from Zeugma. On the flor of this room whose walls are decorated with the frescos of Dionysos banquet, in one of the panels surrounded by geometrical patterns Satyros- Antiope, in the other Galatia was drawn. By watching the enormous scene of mosaics of Poseidon and Perseus-Andromeda from the balcony. Again it goes to other saloon where Dionysos bust is there, by following geometrical mosaics and Zeugma pictures, you can reach the stairs getting the people to the ground flor. On the ground floor, passing transversally to the entrance, the stairs letting you to the second floors B department can be climbed up. In the two saloons of this department the flor mosaics of the two dining-rooms of Zeugma House can be seen. In one of these saloons, the mosaic drawn on the theme of Minos bull, Phasiphae-Daidolos mosaic and Dionysos Procession mosaic and in the other saloon the mosaics drawn about the musos are placed.





The work in this department at the end of the gallery turning to right, the nature history window in which copper, iron and other minerals and with sea animates and leaf fossiles can be seen.


In the next part, the sea animates formed in mijosen period give idea about the geological formation of Gaziantep region. Later, Mammath skeleton and then the exhibition goes on by the vitrine of the first marks of human beings refleeting 600.000 years before, especially the paleolitik stone tools on the side of Euphrates and Doliche (Dülük).


From this saloon you would pass to Bronze Age saloon, Bronze Age pots, pikes, spears, swords, axes, small statues, pots from graves of bronze age, gifts of jewelery, next Van and Urmiye vessels and the metal works of Urartus who achieved to establish a great kingdom around Van during the Iron Age can be seen in the vitrines. The Works which were found in the process of digging in 312 graves of the old Bronze Age Necropol near Zeugma by the Museum Managemement in 1997-98 are being exhibited with the portnership of visuel properties.


God statues from the Hittites who have thousand gods, animal statues, hair needles made of bone and bronze for women, fibulas used as safety pins, the hallmark presses used for stamping the money sacks and letters, and gold jewellery attached to dead people are exhibited in the windows. Furthermare, there are silver coins that began in the Archaic Age and went on Hellenistic Age by Alexander and bronze Romen coins. These vitrines go on Islamic gold coins and Ottomon silver coins and end with Ottoman madallions. At the other side the coins impression and age characteristics with the documents through the time are found in the panels of information. Gypsy Girl who looks attentively to the visitors and is the symbol of Zeugma is being exhibited in this room.


From this saloon you can go to the saloon in which Akemenid – Persion, Hellenistic and Comogene and especially Romen Age small statues, glass Works, red priming vessels and medical tools are being exhibited. In this saloon, the vessels, small statues, coins, hallmark presses and plenty goddess Demeter's statue which were found at Zeugma diggins are being exhibited.


After this saloon, you can tend to the exit of museum and on the left side of the exit it is possible to visit the family grove room engraved to the rock.


In this room the tomb, the statues belonging to the owners of the graves in front of the groves are being exhibited.




On the south and east touring route of the museum garden through the Hittite and late Hittite ages banquet scene stels, the relief of sky god Teschup, Yesemek origined lion and sphenkx statue are exhibited. On the way there are Zeugma grave Stones having figures, eagles and woolen baskets on them, hand grinders and alters and garden tour ends with tombs.


Gaziantep Museums


Gaziantep Archeology Museum has a place of 3500 m2 for display. It has 21 rooms of display.

In the salons, there are mosaic of 550 m2 found through Zeugma rescue excavations, fresco and statues of 120 m2, and 1752 pieces of works of art about the chronology of Gaziantep region are on display.
The museum, in which Belkıs/Zeugma's enormous mosaics and wall pictures are being exhibited is the second mosaics museum of the wold. Furthermore, it is the unique museum with its original exhibition the old museum building and new building are connected to each other by a gallery and after new exhibition works the museum is designed as “chronological museum” where the portable culturel whealts of Gaziantep and its envirovment are being exhibited chronologically. At the and of these exhibition and arrangements Gaziantep Museum has a remarkable place through the world museums by Zeugma Mosaics and its chronological exhibitions.

City of Gaziantep is located between North Syria and Anatolia on cultural, military and commercial roads.Gaziantep which has experienced very different cultures throughout the centuries, has more than 250 mounds. One of the oldest foundlings of Anatolia found in 
Doliche (Dülük) Cave is stone tool. This piece dates back to 600 years ago, Paleolithic Era.

The region bears the traces of Hurrian, Hittite, Persian, Greek, Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations.

There has been more than 30 archeological excavations in this region. In the museum, there are more than 65 thousands works of art.

In museum guide, the museums which are depicted, pertain to ethnographical qualities as they can be seen through the categories on the web site.
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Adıyaman Museum
Afyonkarahisar Museum
Aksaray Museum (Zinciriye Madrasah)
Museums of Alanya
Amasra Museum / Bartın
Amasya Museum
Ankara / Museum Of Anatolıan Cıvılızatıons
The Ethnography Museum of Ankara
Ankara Museum Of Foundatıon Works
Antalya Museum
Aydın Museum
Balikesir - Edremit Ayse Sıdıka Erke Ethnography Museum
Bilecik – Söğüt Ethnography Museum
Bitlis Ahlat Museum
Bolu Museum
Burdur Museum
Bursa Museum of Turkish - Islamic Works of Art / Green Madrasah
Çanakkale Museum
Çankırı Museum
Alacahöyük and Boğazköy Museums of Çorum
Çorum Museum
Denizli Atatürk and Ethnographical Museum
Düzce Konuralp Museum / Bolu
Edirne Museum Of Archeology And Ethnography
Edirne Museum of Turkish Islamic Works of Art
Gaziantep Museums
Gumushane İkizevler City Museum
Hatay (Antakya/Antioch) Museum
Isparta Museum
Isparta Yalvaç Museum
Istanbul / Dolmabahçe Palace
Istanbul / Museum Of Palace Collectıons
Istanbul / Topkapı Palace Museum
Istanbul / The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works of Art
Istanbul / The Museum of Foundations Calligraphy Arts
Istanbul / Turkish Museum of Buildings and Works of Art
Istanbul / Foundations Carpet Museum
Istanbul / Yıldız Porcelain Factory Museum
Istanbul / Yıldız City Museum - Yıldız Palace
Izmir - Tire Museum
Izmir Ethnography Museum
Iznik Hagia Sophia Müzesi
Iznik City Museum (Nilüfer Hatun Complex)
Kayseri Museums
Konya Ereğli Museum
Konya Ethnography Museum
Konya Karatay (Encaustic Tile Works) Museum
Konya Mevlana Museum
Konya İnce Minaret (Stone and Wooden Works) Museum
Kütahya Tile Museum
Mardin Museum
Nevşehir Museum
Nevşehir Ürgüp Museum
Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum:
Sanlıurfa Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Tokat Museum
Urgup, Fantastic Museum in Cappadocia (Private Museum)
Van Museum
Birsen Malkoç
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